United Kingdom Bank Holidays 2024/2025 , A Full List is Here

United Kingdom Bank Holidays 2024/2025 , A Full List is Here

Written by Ruru Zhou Updated Dec. 6, 2023

There are 8 bank holidays in the UK each year, two pairs of bank holidays occur together — at Christmas and at Easter. There may be special additional bank holidays, such as for a royal wedding or coronation. There are 9 days off in total for bank holidays in 2023, due to the coronation of King Charles.

During bank holidays, schools, banks, and government offices close. Some businesses and attractions may close or have limited opening hours, and public transport may have reduced hours of operation.

The UK's 8 bank holidays are:

  • New Year's Day: January 1st each year
  • Good Friday: in March or April
  • Easter Monday: in March or April
  • Early May bank holiday: first Monday of May
  • Spring bank holiday: last Monday of May
  • Summer bank holiday: last Monday of August
  • Christmas Day: December 25th Boxing Day: December 26th

UK Public Holidays in 2024 (England and Wales)

Date Bank Holiday Day
January 1 New Year's Day Monday
March 29 Good Friday Friday
April 1 Easter Monday Monday
May 6 Early May Bank Holiday Monday
May 27 Spring Bank Holiday Monday
August 26 Summer Bank Holiday Monday
December 25 Christmas Day Wednesday
December 26 Boxing Day Thursday

UK Public Holidays in 2025 (England and Wales)

Date Bank Holiday Day
January 1 New Year's Day Wednesday
April 18 Good Friday Friday
April 21 Easter Monday Monday
May 5 Early May Bank Holiday Monday
May 26 Spring Bank Holiday Monday
August 25 Summer Bank Holiday Monday
December 25 Christmas Day Thursday
December 26 Boxing Day Friday

Public Holidays in Scotland 2024

In Scotland, there are two more bank holidays (January 2nd — Hogmanay and St. Andrews Day — November 30th, unless on a weekend, when it is the following Monday), and the Summer Bank Holiday is the first Monday in August rather than the last Monday.

Date Bank Holiday Day
January 1 New Year's Day Monday
January 2  Hogmanay Day 3 Tuesday
March 29 Good Friday Friday
May 6 Early May Bank Holiday Monday
May 27 Spring Bank Holiday Monday
August 5 Summer Bank Holiday Monday
December 2 St Andrew's Day Bank Holiday  Monday
December 25 Christmas Day Wednesday
December 26 Boxing Day Thursday

Public Holidays in Scotland 2025

Date Bank Holiday Day
January 1 New Year's Day Wednesday
January 2  Hogmanay Day 3 Thursday
April 18 Good Friday Friday
May 5 Early May Bank Holiday Monday
May 26 Spring Bank Holiday Monday
August 4 Summer Bank Holiday Monday
December 1 St Andrew's Day Bank Holiday  Monday
December 25 Christmas Day Wednesday
December 26 Boxing Day Thursday

Bank Holidays in Northern Ireland 2024

Date Bank Holiday Day
January 1 New Year's Day Monday
March 18 Saint Patrick's Day Bank Holiday Monday
March 29 Good Friday Friday
April 1 Easter Monday Monday
May 6 Early May Bank Holiday Monday
May 27 Spring Bank Holiday Monday
July 12 Battle of the Boyne / Orangemen's Day Friday
August 26 Summer Bank Holiday Monday
December 25 Christmas Day Wednesday
December 26 Boxing Day Thursday

Bank Holidays in Northern Ireland 2025

Date Bank Holiday Day
January 1 New Year's Day Wednesday
March 17 Saint Patrick's Day Bank Holiday Monday
April 18 Good Friday Friday
April 21 Easter Monday Monday
May 5 Early May Bank Holiday Monday
May 26 Spring Bank Holiday Monday
July 14 Battle of the Boyne / Orangemen's Day Monday
August 25 Summer Bank Holiday Monday
December 25 Christmas Day Thursday
December 26 Boxing Day Friday

Easter Bank Holidays in the UK

Easter is one of the two instances of two bank holidays together in the UK, with the other being Christmas. The Easter holiday starts from Good Friday and continues to Easter Monday, with 4 days off in total, known as an Easter long weekend. It is a popular time for UK citizens to travel with many making trips across the country for leisure. Most attractions are open over Easter.

Schools typically have 2 weeks of holiday around Easter, although the exact timing varies across the UK.

Public transport is reduced on the Easter bank holidays. Roads in certain areas become busier, and often some train lines and stations are closed for maintenance over the Easter long weekend.

Christmas Holidays in the UK

Christmas is the biggest holiday in the UK. From the beginning of December (and often earlier in commercial areas), streets are adorned with lights and households set up their Christmas trees.

The Christmas bank holidays are Christmas Day (December 25th) and Boxing Day (December 26th), unless they fall on a weekend, when the following Monday or Monday, and Tuesday become bank holidays.

Businesses, government offices, attractions, and most shops all close during Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Public transport closes on Christmas Day and has reduced operating hours on Boxing Day.

School Holidays in the UK

School holidays in the UK vary each year and between school districts. Local-authority-run schools and independent schools may have different term dates even within the districts.

Typically, the school year is divided into three terms, with week-long mid-term (half-term) breaks, and longer breaks between terms:

  • Summer vacation: late July to early September (6 weeks)
  •  Autumn half-term: last week of October (1 week)
  • Christmas holidays: late December to early January (2 weeks)
  • Spring half-term: mid-February (1 week)
  • Easter holidays: around Easter Sunday in March/April (2 weeks)
  • Summer half-term: at the end of May or in early June (1 week)

However, some local authorities have adopted a school year made up of six terms, each of a similar length.

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